jQuery Logo

Capture jQuery Logs, Excetions and Bugs

Start building better jQuery apps today. With Bugfender jQuery Remote Logging, Exception Monitoring and User Feedback, you can quickly pinpoint and reproduce any issue happening on frontend apps.

Integrate Javascript SDK in minutes

First, you need to install our SDK via npm or yarn. If you are using npm, add Bugfender to your package.json:

<!-- Import Bugfender JS -->
<script defer src="https://js.bugfender.com/bugfender-v2.js"></script>
<script defer src="your-script.js"></script>

Once you have installed the SDK, initialize our library in your your-script.js file or your html and you can start getting logs and exceptions.

    appKey: '<YOUR_APP_KEY_HERE>',
    overrideConsoleMethods: true,
    printToConsole: true,
    registerErrorHandler: true,
    logBrowserEvents: true,
    logUIEvents: true,

Never miss a bit

Track Your jQuery Logs and Exceptions Remotely

Get Your Customers Console Logs

Our jQuery real-time remote logging technology brings your console logs right to you. Get all the logs and traces of your final users and easily explore them with our web log console, even if there’s no error.

remote logging

Exception Monitoring & Reporting

Our jQuery exception reporting service is designed to ensure you never miss a critical issue, no matter where you customer is located. Our tool automatically captures detailed exception reports, stack traces and logs, giving you the insights you need to quickly identify and resolve issues that affect your jQuery app.

error monitoring

jQuery Bug Reporting

Empower your users to easily report bugs directly from within your jQuery app. By capturing detailed user feedback and contextual data, you can quickly diagnose and resolve bugs, enhancing the overall user experience.

user feedback

Secure & Production Ready

Bugfender is built with security and scalability at its core, making it the ideal choice for both development and production environments. We ensure that your app’s data is handled with the highest level of security, while also being robust enough to support the demands of live, production-grade applications.

remote logging

Monitoring With Bugfender

Secure by Design:
Your Customer's Data is Yours


ISO 27001



