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Kotlin Switch Explained: Unlocking the Power of Kotlin when

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Kotlin Switch Explained: Unlocking the Power of Kotlin when

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The when in Kotlin defines a conditional expression with more than one branch, that’s the statement you need to use when you want to write a Kotlin switch. In Java, we are using switch case statements. In Java, we need to define a break in each switch case, but in Kotlin we don’t need to. There are two ways you can use them in Kotlin. Either as a statement or as an expression.

Before moving on to a Kotlin switch example, you need to be clear about switch expression and switch statement. Expression returns a value, but statement does not; it only performs an action. Let us create a Kotlin example to clearly explain the difference.

Difference between expression and statement in when:

// expression example

fun main() {
    val dayType = "Monday"
    val result = when(dayType) {
        "Saturday"-> "Half Day"
        else-> "Full Working Day"
    println("$dayType is $result ")

**Output: Monday is Full Working Day**

The value matched with the else block and returned.

// statement example

fun main() {
    val dayType = "Saturday"
    when(dayType) {
        "Sunday"-> {
        "Saturday"-> {
             println("Half day")
        else-> {
            println("Full Working Days ")
**Output: Half day**

The value matches the else block and does not return. It only executes the print statement.

when is used as single block:

To use common behavior for multiple cases, we can use commas (,) to combine multiple conditions in a single block. Let us have a quick example to understand single blocks in when:

fun main(){
    var numSection = 4
    when(numSection) {
       1, 2, 3, 4 , 5 -> println("Primary Section.")
       6, 7, 8, 9, 10 -> println("Secondary Section.")
       11, 12 -> println("Higher Secondary Section.")
       else -> println("College")

**Output: Primary Section**

In the above when statement, we have combined 1 to 5 in one block. Similarly, 6 to 10, and 11 and 12. We don’t need to create each block separately.

Difference between when in Kotlin vs. switch in Java:

  1. In Kotlin, a break statement is not required, but in Java it is.
  2. whensis used to check range data but switch is not.
  3. when is more flexible than switch.
  4. when supports type check but switch does not.
  5. when supports different types of data type check but switch does not.
  6. switch has limitations, and only supports primitive types, enum and string , but when does not.
  7. The syntax difference between when and switch is as follows:
// kotlin's when syntax 

when( expression ){
      condition -> 
      condition -> 
      else ->
 // Java's switch syntax
    case : 
    case : 
    default :

Using Kotlin when expression

Syntax of when

In Kotlin, when is the replacement of multiple if... else expressions. Next we’ll explain how to wrap multiple if... else expressions into one when expression. The syntax of when is as follows:

// Syntax 

when( expression ){
      condition -> 
      condition -> 
      else ->

// Example 

fun main(){
    val month = 4
    val result = when (month) {
      1 -> "Jan"
      2 -> "Feb"
      3 -> "Mar"
      4 -> "April"
      5 -> "May"
      6 -> "June"
      7 -> "July"
      8 -> "Aug"
      9 -> "Sept"
      10 -> "Oct"
      11 -> "Nov"
      12 -> "Dec"
      else -> "Invalid Month."
  println("Month is $result")

**Output: Month is April**

Let us explain how it is executed, step-by-step:

  • The when (month) is evaluated once
  • The value of month variable compared with each branch
  • Each branch starts with value followed by -> and result
  • If any branch is matched, the corresponding block will be executed
  • If no branch is matched, the else block will be executed

Compare when to if... else in Kotlin

The main difference between when and if...else is code readability. when statement has better control than if…else statement. In Kotlin, when, compile the code at once and execute it faster than the if... else statement. If...else statement executes each blog one by one, so it takes more time. Here’s an example of code readability:

fun main(){
    var bookId = 2
    if(bookId == 1){
        println("Book price: $9.99")
    }else if (bookId == 2){
        println("Book price: $19.99")
    }else if(bookId == 3){
        println("Book price: $29.99")
       println("Book ID does not match")
**Output: Book price: $19.99**

As you can see, the Kotlin code is lengthy and complex to learn. But, by using when expressions, you can combine those codes. Here’s how it looks after combining:

fun main(){
  var bookId = 2
  when(bookId) {
       1 -> println("Book price: $9.99")
       2 -> println("Book price: $19.99")
       3 -> println("Book price: $29.99")
       else -> println("Book ID does not match")
**Output: Book price: $19.99**

Advanced Usage of when

There are several advantages to when in Kotlin. It allows us to combine different cases in one by comma (,). Only one case must execute at a time. It means it performs as an OR operator. Here’s an example to get started:

 fun main(){
    var numEven = 3
    when(numEven) {
        1 -> println("Even Number")
        3 -> println("Even Number")
        5 -> println("Even Number")
        else -> println("Unknown Number")
**Output: Even Number**

We can see the first three cases are the same statement, so we can combine those into one by comma (,). Let’s see the result:

fun main(){
 var numEven = 3
 when(numEven) {
      1,3,5 -> println("Even Number")
      else -> println("Unknown Number")
**Output: Even Number**

Now if we pass numEven 1, 3 or 5, the first block will execute. There’s no need to define three cases separately.

Another advantage of when is that it helps us check series of numbers in one line using an operator. Here’s an example:

fun main(){
    var numEven = 101
    when(numEven) {
      0 -> println("Number is ZERO.")
      in 1..100 -> println("Number between 1 and 100.")
      else -> println("Number is greater than 100")

**Output:Number is greater than 100**

In this example, we have executed from 1 to 100 in single lines of code using an operator.

Using when with enum

An enum in Kotlin is a special kind of predefined data type that stores constant values. The keyword enum is used to declare in Kotlin. Here is an example of how we can use it through when:

enum class Color { RED, GREEN, YELLOW }
fun main(){
  val signalColor: Color = Color.RED
  val message = when (signalColor) {
                   Color.RED -> "STOP"
                   Color.GREEN -> "GO"
                   Color.YELLOW -> "SLOW"
**Output: STOP**

Here we define an enum class called color, which has three values of red, green, and yellow. Depending on selecting the corresponding when cases will be executed.

Using when with lambda functions:

A lambda function is an anonymous function that is executed and returns only one expression. We can easily use the lambda function in when. Below, an example show some arithmetic operation through a lambda function within a branch:

enum class MathOperator { ADD, SUB, DIV }
fun main(){
   val selectOPerator: MathOperator = MathOperator.SUB
      when (selectOPerator) {
         MathOperator.ADD -> {
            val myLf: (Int) -> Unit= {result: Int -> println(result) } 
         MathOperator.SUB -> {
            val myLf: (Int) -> Unit= {result: Int -> println(result) }  
         MathOperator.DIV -> {
            val myLf: (Int) -> Unit= {result: Int -> println(result) } 
 fun addNumber(a: Int, b: Int, lam: (Int) -> Unit ){  
    val add = a + b 
 fun subNumber(a: Int, b: Int, lam: (Int) -> Unit ){ 
    val sub = a - b 
 fun divNumber(a: Int, b: Int, lam: (Int) -> Unit ){   
    val div = a/b 

**Output: 5**

Smart casting with when

Smart casting in Kotlin is the most powerful feature. We used this expression for smart cast-in when. Using this technique, we can check any data type based on certain conditions. Here’s an example of how to check:

fun checkValue(value: Any) {
    when (value) {
        is String -> println("$value is a String")
        is Int -> println("$value is an integer")
        is Boolean -> println("$value is a Boolean")
        else -> println("Unknown type")
fun main() {
Hello is a String
4 is an integer
false is a Boolean
Unknown type**


With the when expression, we can easily combine lengthy sections of code into a small line. We can define several behaviors using when expressions, like smart casting, in operator, lambda function, enum, single block with comma (,), null check, and so on. There is no break keyword used.

That’s a great evolution offered by Kotlin programming language over the traditional Java switch statement, we are lucky to be Kotlin developers and be able to write Android applications using Kotlin language and take advantage of the evolution it provides over Java.

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Anupam Singh

Anupam Singh is a Native Android Developer as well as Hybrid Mobile App Developer. More than 10 years of experience in Developing Mobile Apps. He is a technology blogger. Follow him on Linkedin to stay connected.

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