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The Top iOS Blogs for Any Developer
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Apps have become an integral part of everyday life for people all over the world and it is critical for any iOS developer to stay on top of the latest trends, gossip, and other news surrounding the industry. It does not matter if you have been working on apps for a few days or a few years, as a developer you need to be able to stay in touch with what your users are looking for so that you can wow them with your latest innovations. Going through every relevant news website to look for the latest iOS stories can use up far too much of your precious time, time you could otherwise use to develop apps. The easiest and fastest way to keep up with the crucial tidbits of new information is to follow a few blogs dedicated to world of iOS development. Below is our list of some of the top blogs you can follow in order to stay on top of the latest industry developments.
Cocoa with Love is one of the oldest iOS blogs that is still running, having been started and written by Matt Gallagher since 2008. The website updates frequently and has some of the longer, more detailed posts that you can expect to see on any iOS blog.
Cocoa is my Girlfriend, as the name implies, is yet another website that focuses on Cocoa. This blog has been publishing articles for over a full 8 years and features a large number of Cocoa tutorials. Not everything on this website is iOS specific, but there is a large amount of useful information to be found here.
NSHipster updates weekly and focuses on iOS topics that tend to be overlooked by other sources. While the writers primarily focus on Objective-C, Swift, Cocoa, and Xcode, other topics are also addressed from time to time.
NSBlog by Mike Ash is a fantastic resource for beginning developers. Many of his blog posts are Q&A sessions designed to answer questions that may otherwise leave newly minted developers scratching their heads in puzzlement.
NSScreencast publishes weekly screencasts of iOS development using Swift, Objective-C, or Xcode. Each episode focuses on a different topic for viewers to learn. The catch is that there is a subscription fee (although some of the videos are free) of either $9/month or $100/year.
Natasha The Robot updates extremely frequently, upwards of twice per week, with posts focusing on Swift. The website also runs a job board for open positions related to Swift and sends out a weekly newsletter for readers to keep up with the latest Swift developments.
Ray Wenderlich’s blog is run by more than 100 editors and developers and currently features more than 1,100 tutorials. Along with iOS there are app tutorials for OS X and Android as well as gaming tutorials for Sprite Kit and Unity. Some of the tutorials are text posts while others are in video format. The website also includes a podcast and forums as additional outlets for keeping up with the latest news.
iOS-Blog [disappeared] features tutorials for both Swift and Objective-C and even has the option for readers to request new tutorials. The website’s resource page has a large number of external links that developers may find handy and there is also a small job board featured that developers can check for work.
AppCoda hosts a large number of tutorials for anyone interested in iOS development. Many of the tutorials are for simple or basic features, making this a website a prime location for new developers as well as people who are just looking to pick up a few new tricks.
iOS Goodies releases a weekly newsletter with links to external websites covering a wide array of topics related to iOS development. Some of the information will be articles that deal directly with iOS development while others address related areas, such as the business side of getting your app out there. No matter what kind of iOS related information you are after, this website is a gold mine of valuable data.
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