In-App User Feedback
In-App Feedback enables you to root out problems, build a bridge with your customers and retain them for longer. With Bugfender’s brand-new tool for in-app Feedback, Android and iOS developers can build a bespoke feedback screen for users to report issues inside the app itself.
Gain In-App Feedback from Users
Bugfender’s user-friendly tool gives you the insight you need from the people who matter most - your customers.
Build a Killer Design
Our in-app feedback feature lets you design your own screen, or choose our default version if you prefer.
Build a Great Reputation
In-App feedback tools make users feel heard and show you care about how their app looks and feels.
Increase Customer Retention
By giving your users a voice, your more likely to retain them - and win new ones.
How to get started with Bugfender’s In-App Feedback Tool
Just follow these four steps:
1) Sign up for an account
2) Install our SDK
3) Call the send user feedback method:
- Android:
Bugfender.sendUserFeedback(title, message);
- iOS:
[Bugfender sendUserFeedbackWithSubject:@"title" message:@"message"];
4) View feedback in our web app
Already Trusted by Thousands
Bugfender is the best remote logger for mobile apps.
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