How to Hire a Mobile Developer?

How to Hire a Mobile Developer?

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More and more businesses are now starting to realize the importance of having a mobile app developed to boost their business and increase customer engagement. There is a good reason to develop a mobile app and hire a mobile app developer to do this. Why?

2017 was a historic year because for the first time mobile internet use overtook desktop searches. Many studies also show that more and more people are using mobile apps to access the internet rather than their web browser.

So, if you want to develop a mobile app, what do you need to know when you hire a mobile app developer? It is important to hire the right app developer because developing an app can be a significant financial investment and you  definitely want to make sure that it will help your customers engage with you, not be frustrated because the app doesn’t work well.

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Here we have put together all you need to know about finding the perfect developer for your mobile app.

What Mobile Apps Have They Developed?

The first thing to find out is what kind of apps they have developed in the past. You should review these apps and make sure that your mobile app developer has experience in all the operating systems you want your mobile app to work on.

If you visit Apple’s iOS App Store, Google Play or Microsoft’s App Store you should be able to see examples of their work and read users’ reviews on various apps. This can give you valuable insights if the apps they’ve created are ‘buggy’ and also see how quickly those bugs were sorted out.

Who Are Their Previous Clients?

It is a good idea before hiring a mobile app developer to make sure that they can provide you with references from previous clients.

When speaking with previous clients, you can find out how some important facts like,

  • How well the app developer communicated with the client?
  • Did they deliver their work on time?
  • Did they deliver within budget?

The more you can find out about how the mobile app developer has worked with previous clients, the surer you can be that you have found the right mobile app developer.

Is the Mobile App Developer a Freelancer or part of a Team?

It will usually take more than one person to develop a high-quality, bug-free mobile app. Of course, many freelance app developers are very proficient and develop good apps. However, it is good to know how the app developer plans to work. Very often it is advantageous to hire a professional company who has a team of dedicated app developers. This can make sure that the final product meets your expectations.

What Systems Do They Use to Test App Development?

Mobile app testing is one of the most important stages in app development. You should remember that an app can be tested on various platforms and devices. So find out if the mobile app developer plans to use

  • Automated testing
  • User Acceptance Testing (UAT)
  • Beta testing

Beta testing is one of the last stages in mobile app development where users can see how it works on real devices. You should also know how your developer will report back to you during the testing process and how much input and testing you are able to do.

Many mobile app developers use beta testing tools like Bugfender which can help speed up the beta testing process. This means that if he plans to use these kinds of additional testing tools, you will have an app developed quicker and cheaper with fewer bugs in it.

Establish Communication Process

During the app development, you need to keep open communication with your app developer. You should know if you will communicate through a messaging service, an online collaboration system or communication through email or Skype.

How Will the App Make You Money?

More than likely, you want your mobile app to generate revenue. You can find out from the app developer his experience in integrating revenue-generating features in the app. These features could be

  • Pay-per-download
  • Mobile display ads
  • In-app purchases
  • Paid subscription services
  • Extra Features

Depending on what you want the app to do, you will need to find out if your mobile app developer has experience in integrating extra features to the app. This could be social sharing buttons, location services, coupons and special offers.

Terms and Conditions

One of the most important things you need to know is who owns the app in the end. Usually, the person or company who pay for the development owns the rights to the app. However, this should be outlined in a contract beforehand. You should also establish terms and conditions for payment – this is usually by the hour or a flat-rate fee.

If you are thinking about having a mobile app developed for your business, find the right mobile app developer to hire. You will then end up with a mobile app to boost your business and engage with your customers on a whole new level.

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