7 Strategies for Mobile App Success

7 Strategies for Mobile App Success

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Internet has changed how we do the business, how we connect with our customers and clients, and how the revenue streams work. On the other hand, mobile devices and the rapid development in this industry have changed the way how we see the internet and what we think about it. There are billions of mobile devices in the world and IoT (Internet of Things) has been getting traction for quite some time that means billions of more devices will come into the market in upcoming years.

This huge number of devices, subscribers and users has opened new ways for software development companies and even individual developers but at the same time the competition has become fierce. There is no margin of error in software development and app development industry because users have tons of options; if they do not like something then they can simply move to the next one.

Here are some strategies for mobile app success that should be considered and applied during the app development and marketing phase.

Flexible Platforms

Although this only matters if you have more than one app on your portfolio but it is better to understand the concept of platform flexibility in the start so you can work on the right track from the beginning.  Selecting the most suitable development platform is essential for element management like testing, version control and others. Latest development tools and platforms mainly focus on modular approach and offers different design methods.

BYOD and Data

No doubt, BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) is a revolutionary approach which as influenced the productivity and performance of the employees drastically because of the freedom it offers. But this freedom comes with a price of privacy and security concerns. BYOD refers to allowing employees and other entities like clients and contractors to use their own mobile devices like phones and tablets to access the company resources from anywhere in the world and anytime.

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However, it is not that hard to anticipate that each of the authorized devices is a potential threat as lost or stolen devices possess a security flaw. Unfortunately this is not the worst issue; accessing data on mobile devices and accessing cloud or company’s network from outside is a huge risk. That’s why the data flow between mobile devices and the network should be highly secured and seamless.

Mobile vs. Desktop

Besides the obvious differences, there is another big difference between mobile and desktop app development. A desktop usually run multiple interfaces, connect with different resources and manage the workflow without any problem. However, the same approach is not feasible on mobile devices as mobile apps are supposed to process the data at backend and show the output in a single interface without clutter.

In other words, mobile apps should be simple regardless of their processes, operations and interaction with the resources. Of course it needs integration of powerful systems like ERP, databases and financial systems with each other.

Pre Market Research

Interestingly, the process of app marketing starts even before writing the first line of code. It’s much important to do the right thing as compared to doing things the right way. You have to do market research before finalizing the features and processes of your app. The main benefit of pre market research is target audience identification. With doing this research you can see what other similar apps lack and what features people want to see in these apps.

What types of names are popular in this industry? What demographic you should target? What features you should add in your app and what features you shouldn’t, and many other things that could help you in your mobile app success.

Feedbacks are Important

Let’s suppose you did your market research, got the idea of what type of app would be good for the market, you have finalized the features and the prototype is ready. But how sure you would be that your app is would be a success in the market? You must get the feedback from actual users who are going to use the app and who are your target audience. Of course you can ask your developing team to test the features but testing the features is different than getting feedback from the actual users.

That’s why you should release the beta version; of course beta version would be buggy and some people would be disappointed but that’s the whole point of doing the testing itself, and beta versions are supposed to be buggy. Now the important part is to not ignoring that feedback and you should analyze it carefully.

Plans Your App Launch Date Carefully

It is logical to launch your app in the market as soon as development and testing are done but planning the launch date sooner has tons of benefits. First of all, now you have a date in mind and you would be working under a deadline; it could be a disadvantage if you set an unreasonable launch date but if you have decided a well thought launch date and given yourself enough time with some margin then it’s the best approach.

Secondly, by deciding the launch date as soon as possible, you would be able to get media attention as well as people’s attention. It’s much better to tell the exact date as compared to saying “it will release soon”. While deciding the launch date, make sure that date does not collide with important events especially in the tech world because this way you would be losing attention.

Updating Your App

Updating your app regularly is not only associated with the development advancement but you can also use it as a marketing tactic. However, make sure you do not plan less or more than a reasonable amount of update in a specific time period. For example, launching new features once a month is enough but you can also release more updates if necessary.

When you update your app on the relevant app store, don’t forget to include the latest features in the app description. Many marketing experts advise developers to use the app description space as a marketing space so they can highlight the important features.

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