Down to Zero

What 1000 Apps Are Doing to Reduce Their Bugs to Zero

Our free ebook: Down to Zero - What 1000 Apps Are Doing to Reduce Their Bugs to Zero

Our free ebook is a practical guide to bug solving. Besides the obvious testing phase in software engineering, there are many other strategies you can follow to increase the effectiveness and reduce the cost of your Quality Assurance phase, we’ll focus on those.

Here is what you will learn:

  • The main reason why users will stop using your app (spoiler alert: it's bugs!)
  • Tips & tricks on how to prevent common bugs
  • Best practices on how to log properly

About Bugfender

Bugfender is a platform that gathers your mobile application logs and makes them available on our web console.

Bugfender is specifically designed for mobile: it is designed with energy and bandwidth constraints in mind, it can work offline and it is completely safe to use both in test environments and App Store / Google Play.

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