Vue.js Debugging

Vue.js Cloud Logging and Exception Monitoring

Real-time Vue.js Debugging, Error Tracking and Logging at real-time

Get errors and logs from your Vue.JS applications in our cloud console. Get a notification before your customers notice a production Exception without a try/catch, with the device info and detailed log to fix it quickly.

Get Enterprise-grade encryption with unlimited users, sessions and installs… Bugfender it’s free until 100.000 Daily Log Lines!!! Sign up!

Vue.js Cloud Logging and Exception Monitoring

Background Run

Performance Logging

Bugfender will catch Exceptions and Errors on your application and will enqueue it silency to process on background without affect the performance of your Vue.js WebSite or Android/iOS App.

Real-Time Error Reporting

Instant Error notifications

Real-time Vue.js logging with the log detail of each Error. Then you can reproduce the issue and fix it before your customers complain.

JavaScript Error Details

Easy debugging

Thanks to Bugfender you can customize your Log View and find quickly the important data for your project.

Vue.js Error Handling

Get the Vue.js all the Device Info of you users in your website using Vue.js, to understand in what conditions the bug occurs.

JavaScript Error Message

Installing the Vue.js SDK

The SDK for Vue.js can be easily installed adding the Bugfender JS file to your application.

Import Bugfender SDK JavaScript file in your tag.

<script defer src=""></script>

Then you can init and use the SDK in your app:

/ Import Bugfender
// Initialize. `appKey` is the only required option.
    appKey: 'YOUR_APP_KEY_HERE',
    // overrideConsoleMethods: true,
    // printToConsole: true,
    // registerErrorHandler: true,
    // version: '',
    // build: '',

Now you can start using our tool:

Bugfender.log('Hello world!');

Remember to change YOUR_APP_KEY_HERE with the app key of your app. You can get an app key by signing up to Bugfender. You can check our Sample App or see all the available options in our reference.

Customer Support from Our JavaScript Engineers

Providing top-notch support is a priority for us. At Bugfender, everyone is a customer champion, so when you submit a support request you’ll get a fast, high-quality response from our product engineers.

Already Trusted by Thousands.

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